Tag Archives: Canadian Authors

Margaret Atwood


One of my favorite Authors.


Margaret Atwood

Homa Khaleeli

The Guardian, March 7, 2011

Article History

Margaret Atwood

Novelist behind The Handmaid’s Tale, a cautionary story of a world without feminism

Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale has been a relevation for millions of readers – offering a terrifying glimpse of a parallel future where biological determinism and misogyny are taken to their logical conclusions. It’s a cautionary tale of a world without feminism, and after the excesses of the Taliban’s regime in Afghanistan seems more prescient than ever. As Atwood, 61, said: “People would blithely say, ‘It couldn’t happen here,’ but this kind of thing can happen anywhere given the right kind of turmoil.”

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